Bulkhead Waterproofing

Bulkhead Waterproofing and Leak Repair

One cause of bulkhead leaks is the door itself. The doors can rust and erode over time, resulting in leaks. Bulkhead doors can be repaired but if there is too much damage the bulkhead door should be replaced.

Why do bulkheads leak?

When the installation occurs during the building process, a black rubber seal is put between the foundation wall and the bulkhead unit, designed to stop water.
In order for Crack-X to inject between the bulkhead and the foundation(cold joints),that black rubber seal needs to be removed.

This is because the two-part urethane foam needs to adhere to the concrete in order to be most effective.

Is the Bulkhead door causing leaks?

Another cause of bulkhead leaks is the door itself. The doors can rust and erode over time, resulting in leaks. Crack-X can replace the doors by using a process which includes:

Finally, water may simply be coming over the top of the concrete opening, because it was set too low at or near grade (ground level).

FIxing the concrete around the bulkhead

Crack-X can raise the height of the concrete so that water won’t come into your basement using a two-day process which includes:

Our bulkhead repair includes a 5 year, transferable warranty. If over time the bulkhead does leak, because they are susceptible to movement, it needs only a spot injection of urethane to seal it and complete your bulkhead repair.

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