How do you waterproof a bulkhead door?

Learn 4 simple steps to waterproof your bulkhead door from experts near you

Bulkhead doors are heavy and sturdy doors that are usually made from metal. They are used to protect your basements or cellars from any unwanted entry and water seepage and damage. These types of doors are normally fixed at horizontal angles into the ground open into steps that lead to the basement.

When these doors fail their function for one reason or another they can cause serious problems to your homes especially if you live in areas that have inclined weather conditions. For instance, a faulty or leaky bulkhead door allows water to get into your basements. Many people use their basements either as a place to store their valuable belongings or as a room so if you allow water to get into your basement you risk permanent damage to your valuable belongings. This is why proper and regular maintenance of your bulkhead is absolutely essential if you want to keep your house safe from water damage.

There are a series of steps that can be followed to waterproof your bulkhead doors in the event of a leak. Following these steps properly will ensure that your doors will be properly water-resistant and will not allow water to get into your basement or cellar thus saving your precious possessions from damage. These steps are discussed below;

Step 1: Locating the Leak Site

  • First and foremost, it is paramount that you locate the source of the leak. This will help you pinpoint the exact area from which water is seeping into your basement. There are a variety of factors that can lead to bulkhead door leaks like rusty doors, improperly sealed joints around the door, and cracks or problems in the concrete area surrounding the bulkhead door.

So, to properly take care of the problem it is important to locate the area where the water is leaking from. When you are looking for leaks or cracks, it is absolutely crucial that you check for cracks and leaks in a variety of places like the bulkhead door itself as well as the foundation that is surrounding the door, and the joints where the door is connected to the concrete foundation.

Step 2: Properly Sealing the Cracks

  • After you have successfully identified the leak site the next step is to seal those cracks that are present in the concrete stairs and frames with the help of a concrete sealant.

In order to use the concrete sealant, it is a good idea to dry the particular area with the help of a high-power fan. Also, it is important to clear out any unwanted debris from the area in question before you decide to apply the concrete sealant. It is also best to check the weather in advance before you decide to apply the concrete sealant because you want to give the materials a few days to properly set in and dry without coming into contact with water.

Step 3: Using a Water Proof Sealant

  • bulkhead door

    It is essential that you apply a waterproof sealant to these cracks as this sealant will help strengthen the bond between the concrete and metal that is present around the edges of the bulkhead door from both inside and outside.

There are different waterproof sealants available in the market that you can choose from based on your needs and requirements. One option is to go with a rubber seal. A rubber seal is made up of strong and sturdy material and comes in different lengths based on the size of the crack. This rubber seal will make sure that water and other unwanted elements will stay out of your house and by doing so it will keep your property and all your possessions safe from the damage that can be caused by this unwanted leaking.

  • Similar to the concrete sealant, it is absolutely crucial that you check the weather forecast before you decide to apply this waterproof sealant as it also requires several days to properly dry up and set in. During this time it is best to keep it away from water.

Step 4: Replacing the Door if Need Be

  • If the damage seems like it is unfixable and the door seems like it is beyond repair it might be best to get the door replaced instead of wasting your time fixing something that cannot be fixed. A bulkhead door might need replacing if it is overly rusted or rotting.

Replacing a bulkhead can prove to be a tough task especially if you are looking to install a metal door because of its sheer weight and size. So, it is always a good idea to call in a professional when you are looking to replace your bulkhead door.

Now you might be asking yourself where you can find a company that can take care of this repair or replacement for you without too much hassle. Luckily for you, CrackX has been in the bulkhead door waterproofing and replacement business since 1985 and during this time, we have amassed a team of professionals that have waterproofed and replaced thousands of bulkhead doors in this time.

So, if you are looking to get your bulkhead door waterproofed or have any questions or queries about the entire waterproofing process, or if you are looking to get your old bulkhead door replaced and want a new bulkhead door installed efficiently and without any problems or hassles, you can reach out to us today at CrackX.

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